Daniel Wilson (Dan) is 27 years old, and has been a member of the Conservative Party for around three years. He’s a project finance coordinator and also a private landlord. Dan initially became interested in politics as a student when he attended Bournemouth School and took an active part in the debating society.
He studied Mathematics and Finance at the University of Plymouth and has a commitment to use his financial background to deliver effective management of taxpayers’ money. He believes that it is always possible to do things differently to keep delivering essential services while managing the costs of doing so. His experience as a landlord gives him a valuable insight into some of the issues and challenges around housing.
He’s spent a lot of time over the years with friends and family in Redhill and Northbourne and has a real understanding of the area and local issues. If elected as a Conservative councillor for the area, he will work hard and be on hand to help all the residents of this beautiful part of Bournemouth.