As you will know, your Conservative local councillors are absolutely committed to Kinson and to doing what we can to improve facilities here.
Even in austere times like these, we have been pretty successful in our fight to ensure our area gets its fair share of the limited funding available, and we believe we have made quite a difference. Nevertheless, we are always on the lookout for ways to fund local projects that we feel will help the neighbourhood and improve things for residents. One such project we have been working on is to improve safety on New Road, where speeding cars have caused a number of accidents on the bend between the Wimborne Rd roundabout and the bridge.
We would not want to reduce the speed limit, but would like to find ways to ensure vehicles stay within the current limit. Council officers have suggested one or two islands to create a narrower road for the cars currently tempted to cross the white lines and a safe crossing area for pedestrians. They have also suggested a speed-activated sign to warn vehicles that are travelling too fast.
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